Steps in the Manufacturing Process
Buying/sorting/stacking logs
Processing the logs into lumber, including:
Sorting and stacking lumber by dimension, length, and end use
Drying the lumber
Planing, grading, sorting, and packaging
To create the high quality products for which we’ve been known for 70 years, each step in the process demands careful attention to detail. It requires the balance of precision equipment and skilled operators.
What we do - geometric alchemy!
Simply put, we create geometric shapes for a wide variety of uses. We take the long cylinders nature creates (yellow pine logs) and transform them into prisms (dimensional lumber and timbers) - all in about 15 minutes!
Our operators, using laser guided machines, quickly “read” every log to determine its optimal yield - the maximum mix of dimensional lumber and timbers at various lengths. Along its 15 minute journey through the mill, all by-products (bark, shavings, chips, and sawdust) are separated and whisked away to be shipped to their next destination. It’s almost magic!
Drying Lumber: The Facts
We produce both kiln-dried, dressed lumber and rough sawn green lumber.
Wood products contain moisture that, unless removed, causes shrinking, warping, twisting and cracking in the lumber. We use 3 kilns to systematically lower the moisture content down to industry standards.
A log about to begin its journey.
Kilns producing steam while at work drying lumber.